The Closest Thing To "FREE MONEY" You'll Ever See . . .
Here's Why.
Here's Why.
My name is Emette Massey. I write powerful marketing messages for small businesses, entrepreneurs, and nearly anyone who wants better results out of their marketing dollars.
I'm talking about results oriented advertising copy, sales letters, print ads, landing pages, catalog copy and other promotional material that brings in the big bucks.
And I've been doing it since 1985 . . .
Here's some results I'm getting for clients . . .
* Just recently I wrote some landing page copy for a client who owned an auto detailing shop. The response was overwhelming. So much that the owner got so much work he had to turn business away.
* Another ad I wrote for a private client resulted in his classic dirt bike selling within 18 hours after the ad ran. After the sale, phone calls kept pouring in. He begged me to remove the ad. So, I did.
* Several months ago, I wrote a PR article for a small publishing concern. Apparently, it touched a nerve in the community and produced over 285 clicks.
There's a really good chance I could write something to boost your business and make it shine like a star too!
So, if you want more sales, fresh hot leads or maybe some favorable attention for your business or enterprise, then let's talk. Why not fill out the form below and we can explore some options that make sense and could work for you!
If you want immediate help, call today and schedule a FREE Consultation . . .
Call 828-212-9099
There's no obligation whatsoever. It's just a friendly chat about your business and ways to improve your cash flow.
Ok, maybe you'd rather just dip your toe in the pool . . . that's cool too!
Use the form below to get our "getting acquainted offer." You'll get some of the best sales tools, tips, and biz growing secrets - the same ones we use every day to bust open profits - to kick up busines.
This includes our infamous FREE REPORT: 9 Remarkable Ways To Increase Sales. It's chocked full of practical, low cost marketing methods to set your biz on FIRE! Plus lots of insider's biz-growing trade secrets we use to grow business, just like yours.
Either way, you simply can't lose. . . and again . . . there's never any obligation to buy anything or hire us.
So contact us today and let us take the sting out of the struggles of promoting your business.
Kindest Regards,
Emette Massey ~ Freelance Writer/Consultant
My name is Emette Massey. I write powerful marketing messages for small businesses, entrepreneurs, and nearly anyone who wants better results out of their marketing dollars.
I'm talking about results oriented advertising copy, sales letters, print ads, landing pages, catalog copy and other promotional material that brings in the big bucks.
And I've been doing it since 1985 . . .
Here's some results I'm getting for clients . . .
* Just recently I wrote some landing page copy for a client who owned an auto detailing shop. The response was overwhelming. So much that the owner got so much work he had to turn business away.
* Another ad I wrote for a private client resulted in his classic dirt bike selling within 18 hours after the ad ran. After the sale, phone calls kept pouring in. He begged me to remove the ad. So, I did.
* Several months ago, I wrote a PR article for a small publishing concern. Apparently, it touched a nerve in the community and produced over 285 clicks.
There's a really good chance I could write something to boost your business and make it shine like a star too!
So, if you want more sales, fresh hot leads or maybe some favorable attention for your business or enterprise, then let's talk. Why not fill out the form below and we can explore some options that make sense and could work for you!
If you want immediate help, call today and schedule a FREE Consultation . . .
Call 828-212-9099
There's no obligation whatsoever. It's just a friendly chat about your business and ways to improve your cash flow.
Ok, maybe you'd rather just dip your toe in the pool . . . that's cool too!
Use the form below to get our "getting acquainted offer." You'll get some of the best sales tools, tips, and biz growing secrets - the same ones we use every day to bust open profits - to kick up busines.
This includes our infamous FREE REPORT: 9 Remarkable Ways To Increase Sales. It's chocked full of practical, low cost marketing methods to set your biz on FIRE! Plus lots of insider's biz-growing trade secrets we use to grow business, just like yours.
Either way, you simply can't lose. . . and again . . . there's never any obligation to buy anything or hire us.
So contact us today and let us take the sting out of the struggles of promoting your business.
Kindest Regards,
Emette Massey ~ Freelance Writer/Consultant