Yea, your eyes have not deceived you . . . this is an actual blog post right before your very eyes!
Nothing like consistency, right? Oh what the hell, these days I'm letting work get in the way of the good stuff. You know stuff like posting to the old blog here . . . taking time to smell the roses . . . sippin' on a cold brew.
Dammit there's no excuse. Before you know it life has passed you by. You know it lasts the wink of an eye. I don't mean to sound all melancholy or pensive. Far from it.
This is your wake up call to action. Get busy doing the life dance. With no holes barred, what would you be doing? Would you be working in your present job or vocation? Would you be living in the location your sitting in now? What about the people you are surround by? Would you be hanging out with that group?
You're the artist that paints the picture of your life. And best of all it's in vibrant living color.
All I'm saying here you have the power to call the shots. If you're not satisfied with the people, places and things in your life, write a new script. It's the ultimate freedom once your figure out that you actually do have this power.
OK. We've got some work to do here . . . so let's get busy painting and designing that new you.