Sometimes I just want to head to the hills and unplug-everything. Like cell phones, laptops, and just breathe some fresh air.
All you hear on the damn news is opinion, politics and Covid crap.
Yes, I know- that's our reality these days and we just have to deal with it.
On the flip-side, it's given me some time to think a little differently about marketing (one of my favorite subjects).
I've invented a new type of marketing - appropriately called "Slack Ass Marketing." You'll like it.
And truth be told here, I really didn't invent this "new" type of marketing. In fact, it's been around for a long, long time. Literally for hundreds of years.
Not to give you a complete history lesson here but one of the first marketing pioneers was Claude Hopkins. He spilled the beans on good marketing and advertising in his excellent book "Scientific Advertising." A great book you NEED in your personal library. And by the way, if you don't have this book, hit me up and I'll give you a special illustrated edition that has some of this best swipes in the book. This book is presented in PDF format for your convenience.
OK. Back to Slack Ass Marketing. So the gist is simple:
You set up a marketing system. What? It's that simple? Yep. But here's some deception. Most business owners (large and small) don't really know how to set up a reliable marketing system. Or they simply don't feel comfortable doing so.
But here's the rub. Don't over complicate this thing. You know . . . K.I.S.S. keep it simple silly.
Since I'm such a decent dude, I"m gonna shed some light for you.
Your new marketing system should always start by taking a close look at your target market. Think about what problems are they experiencing that your biz can solve. Hint: become the "go-to" guy or gal coming to their aid.
Next. Craft marketing messages that speak directly to your target prospect. By spending enough time researching your market, you'll know how to speak their language. While I won't go into a full blown discussion here on how to write compelling sales copy, just keep it conversational and persuasive.
Another side benefit of doing your research homework is that not only will you learn about the problems, buying habits and demographics of your prospects, you'll also learn where they "hang out", what they read, listen, and watch. This gives you valuable insights to which media you choose to connect with them.
A great way to get started (after you've gathered up all your market research) is to imagine that you're having a conversation with a good buddy. You've just found this super cool new product or service and you're eager to share the news with your bud. Write like that except your "bud" is your target market. And write to one person not a hundred.
Once you've gotten all this together and put it into some sort of database (or if you're really old sckool) write it down, you'll have a system to use over and over again.
Now, keep in mind, this is very, very basic. I've just scratched the surface here.
If you'd like me to help why not consider my Initial Market Survey service.
"An Initial Market Survey lets you know how you should proceed. What’s the best way to sell your product . . . what about pricing, discounts, etc. Emette has saved thousands of dollars for mail order dealers and entrepreneurs who ordered an Initial Market Survey before placing expensive ads. Emette will show you how to test first . . . how to cut advertising cost. In some cases, he has pointed out serious problems by the dealer anxious to get going. The best time to make changes is before you start spending money on products and advertising!"
If you have any questions, I'm open to a discussion about your marketing and your business. Contact me at [email protected] or leave me a message at 828-270-9438.