Here, I’ll give you a little hint . . . . it’s mostly . . .
It lacks information that worth reading. It lacks good salesmanship. And most importantly it lacks personality!
Adding some personality to your websites and emails puts you leaps and bounds over your competition. You’ll be the go to person who knows your stuff and adds excitement and value to your prospects life.
Simply put: You’ll be welcomed personality not the dreaded sales pitch that gets deleted first.
Consider this: As my mentor John Carlton said, “You’re number one weapon in advertising, especially on-line, will always be superior salesmanship.”
This is basic and very simple to understand. But most marketers flub it up because they ignore or hose the basics of good salesmanship. The beauty is that it can be your secret weapon.
Your job is to use superior salesmanship to tap into what your prospects wants. You must earn this trust and become credible in his eyes.
One of the keys to salesmanship is learning to close the deal. It doesn’t matter one single bit if you have the best presentation in the world, the best product or service if you don’t know how to close the sale.
And once you master the basics of great salesmanship, you’ll be able to persuade your prospects to desire your product and buy now!
One of the “insider secrets” of great salesmanship is . . . drum roll please . . .
Add some personality to your emails and sales letters and web pages and see your sales go through the roof.
Remember, you can’t bore people into reading your sales letters or opening your emails. But use personality and they get opened and read. Again it’s and example of great salesmanship.
You can be the one who says something exciting, interesting and adds value . . . and your customers will reward you.
As Carlton said, “People don’t want to deal with anonymous corporations, or marketers who sound like they have a bug up their butt. People like to deal with people.”
These days, maybe more that ever, trust is a hard thing to come by. But it’s easier when you show your prospects that you really care about his situation, that you share his passions, and tells them that you’re on their side!
Here’s a fun assignment. Go back to the emails you’ve received recently. Which ones to like to read? Which ones do you always look forward to getting? I’ll bet these are the ones that have added personality, value and are most fun to read?
Am I right? Now think about the ones you instantly delete? On the other side of the coin, these are probably the ones that lack personality, are blatant sales pitches, and contain little value information.
Yeah, I thought so! So let’s get busy and think of ways to tap into what your prospects really want—things the add value to their lives.
Until next time,