Boy, remember those child hood days? You’d dare to do anything—riding your bicycle without holding on to the handlebars, jumping off from high places, swinging from bridges.
It was great, wasn’t it? Nothing could hold us back. One day you were a fireman putting out roaring fires. The next day you were a famous ball player winning the World Series. And the next day . . . well . . . you name it!
Nothing was impossible!
Were we stupid or what?
What happened to those exciting days of chance as we became older? I see my 11 year-old son performing some of the same stunts I did as a child. He’s fearless! And sometimes it scares the living breath out of me!
But I have a confession to make. Sometimes I miss that fearlessness in me. How about you? Do you ever feel like you miss the fearlessness you once had?
The problem is we’ve become ‘grown up.’ We’re afraid of trying new things. After all someone may laugh at us! Or we might embarrass ourselves.
When you get right down to it, the truth is our fear is what’s stupid.
How can we continue to grow as productive human beings unless we become fearless? We all have secret dreams we’re just begging to try—but there is that nagging little voice inside us that says “Are you crazy? YOU couldn’t possibly do THAT!”
Ok, let’s you and me make a deal. Let’s start today and kill that little voice that keeps killing our dreams, our desires. And let’s pretend that we CAN DO IT! Let’s pick out something that’s is holding us back from achieving our dreams and face that fear head on.
We CAN achieve anything we want if we will just believe we can.
Let’s start today, Ok?
Because if so many others can do, become, and have it all so can we!
Emette Massey
P.S. Here’s a little discovery I’ve recently made that can help you restore your joy for living life to it’s fullest, achieve your dreams, and find success and happiness. It’s called Simpleology. It’s doesn’t cost a single dime. Visit it here: