It absolutely amazes me at the marketing talent out there. In fact, it down-right pisses me off . . .
I mean, right when you think you’ve got it figured out, some A-lister comes along and blows it completely out of the water.
And you know what . . .
. . . That’s perfectly ok. In fact, it’s great!
Most of what these guys are sharing – for free – is head and shoulders above most stuff you pay an arm and a leg for. And I for one am eternally grateful for them sharing their hard-earned wisdom and expertise.
I’ll not “name-drop” here – but if you like, I’ll share a very small list of top-shelf players who I continue to learn from. Just hit me up.
Warning: Do Not Stay In “Learning Mode.”
Now while I say this, if you’re a serious player of the direct response biz game, you should entrench yourself in learning the basics of direct response marketing.
Furthermore, be very choosy who you decide to learn from. Choose a true master – who’s been in the marketing trenches . . . for a while.
And while I say don’t stay in perpetual learning mode; you should always be learning new stuff. Just get out there and practice and test what you’ve learned.
Truth be told, I’ve been guilty of going down various rabbit holes and loosing site of what I should be doing . . . and that is working on my business. As John Carlton would say, “operation moneysuck.”
Action is the key to success.
One of the keys to a successful business is indeed “action.” In other words, you should be doing things that bring in the big bucks not just reading about them.
One of greatest copywriter’s who ever lived; Sir Gary Halbert had a saying, “Movement beats meditation.” I have found this to be true. What this means is get a handle on the basics, and then get busy doing.
Get moving! Action! Practice and test what you learn.
Seek out proven marketing tactics and test them in your business. Keep good tabs on your marketing investment and figure out what works and what does not work.
If you’re uncomfortable with this, hook up with an experienced mentor (preferably one who understands direct response marketing) that you gel with, and heed their advice.
Ok. Here are your marching orders for today:
It’s chocked full of low cost marketing and advertising ideas that you can put to use NOW! Plus, you’ll even get a FREE Advertising Consultation.
So what the heck are you waiting for . . .
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Warmest regards,
P.S. If you’ve been spinning your marketing wheels . . . get our FREE Marketing Toolkit!