By Emette E. Massey
Dear Marketing Superstar,
Just the other day I journeyed inside. Inside myself. So I asked myself, “what do you really want Em?”
Then in a flash I was reminded of one of my favorite rock n roll groups of the early 1970s Grand Fuck Rail Road. It really sucks being ADD and throw a handful of Dyslexia on the pile and it gets really fun!
Anyway this got me to thinking about how life is really what you put into it. Sort of like the ‘garbage in, garbage out’ thing. You know goals and all that stuff.
Oh yeah, I HAD goals just never followed though most of the time. I’ll be lucky to finish this short article.
If you have read any of my writings you know that most are centered around marketing, copywriting, salesmanship or mail order subjects.
No worries. I won’t disappoint you here. There is a point to this message. And that point is indeed to create goals. But go one step further and attach a time line to your goals.
Another idea is to make really sure it’s a goal that’s truly important to you. If you set goals just for the sake of goal setting then you will not stick it out.
So the idea of ‘going inside’ is to really think about what you really, really want out of life. I’ll go it another step and ask you to think about what you don’t want—this is just as important. Maybe more important.
Here’s How It’s Done
Start with the basics. Go find a quiet place where no one will interrupt you. I usually go outside so I can see trees and nature. Oftentimes it’s in the rough treehouse my boys and I built years ago.
In the treehouse I am surrounded by Nature’s beauty. This time of the year trees are budding, leaves are making their presence known and the harmony of all things natural come alive.
I just sit there and daydream for a short while. I don’t force my thoughts—I just let them happen. After about five minutes I climb down and head to my home office.
Then I write out my thought list. Once completed, any item on the list that is really important to me becomes my goal list.
But here’s one important difference: I write these goals as though it’s already accomplished.
Remember there are no limitations on this step. Anything is possible. The only limitations are the ones we place on ourselves
For example: If one of my goals is own a new truck here’s how I would write that goal. . .
I’m cruising down Hwy 16 in my brand new red extended cab GMC Sierra 2500, fully factory loaded with leather interior, custom 20” chrome rims, 4x4 off-road and tow package, DVD changer and Vortec V8 engine.
Just be sure to write all of your goals in as greatest details as possible and write them as though you have already accomplished them.
One other point. Be sure to include any personality type goals such as courage, self-respect, self-assurance, creativity, etc. It’s easy to overlook these type of goals but are nonetheless very important to success.
So find a quiet place and let your imagination run wild. You never know when you’ll find the next ‘big idea’ that could change your life completely.
Emette E. Massey