Every time I turn around I’m hearing how “story telling” in your copy is all the rage. What’s the big deal? Is it really all that important? I mean really, are we copywriters or novelists, right?
There’s a fine line between droning on and on telling your story and just selling the damn thing. Ok?
Let’s clear the air once in for all. Indeed your sales story is important for sure. But the bottom line is not the story per se, rather is all about your story fits into persuasion. And that’s what we are going to dive into today.
Looking back, I really thought I knew how to “persuade” until I learned a quick persuasion formula . . . one that I’m about to share with you. But first let me caution you before I share the details.
First let me say that this formula is powerful . . . damn powerful. It could very well be down-right criminal if used the wrong way. So I’m going to ask you to promise me that you only used this formula in the most ethical way possible.
Persuasion . . . Who Needs It?
Now that we know that this is a very powerful formula, why should we bother to learn how to persuade in the first place?
Well, it should be obvious if you own or run a business of any kind. You know that if you cannot persuade sufficiently (or sell) then your trick little enterprise is doomed for failure—and fast!
Business owners, copywriters, marketing folks of all walks of life can use persuasion skills to sell more widgets.
If you show up for work each day and work for a company outside your own, then learning how to persuade could make life a bit easier. You could get your ideas accepted much easier. You could use your newfound skills for a promotion or pay raise.
If you have a spouse then these skills could be valuable to again, get your point across and accepted. In other words if you know how to persuade, then you can sell your ideas, dreams and notions with ease.
If you have children then learning to persuade effectively could make your life run a whole lot smoothly. You know that you can’t win arguments with your kids so why even try. On the other hand, you could persuade them to come around to side of thinking.
So learning how to persuade is not only good for the pocketbook it’s good for the heart and soul as well. Life is good when you put persuasion to work on your side.
Persuasion 101
The age old question of how to get peers, family, or prospects to do what you want, ever ends. Think back to how many times have you asked yourself, “How can I get Johnny Q prospect to buy?” Or “How can I get Jenny to clean her room?”
Sure you could threaten people to do things and depending on the circumstances they may actually do what you want. And yes, you could spend years and years learning persuasion. Volumes have been written on the art, science and psychology of persuasion.
I would encourage you to learn all you can especially if your livelihood depends on selling products or services. It’s also worthwhile learning at least the basics of persuasion as it applies to everyday life.
But today you won’t need to use hostile tactics or spend hours and hours in the library perusing a mountain of books on the subject. In fact you won’t even need to crack open a single book. I’m about to lay it all out in just a few words. This will cut the learning curve drastically. It’s almost like getting a ‘hall pass’ to the head of the class.
Here’s The Basics
Simple. But first I want to make sure you get in on this special offer! Here’s a chance to get a FREE SPECIAL REPORT from the man that taught me persuasion . . . in a mere 27 words wrapped up in a single sentence. He gave me permission to share this and it’s so damn good I felt compelled to do so. Below are a few highlights of this report. Please note that the report goes into more detail while still brief in nature.
Persuasion is nothing more than understanding the basics knowledge of human nature. I’m not talking about the understanding that a psychologists would possess. Rather, most examples of persuasion are typically based on the most basic of human desires.
Think about this . . .
What we all want:
Encouragement – We live in a world where encouragement is rarely found. Even we parents oftentimes discourage our children’s dreams and steer them towards “what’s good” for them or to pursue more “reasonable goals.” But what if encouraged and actually believed in them? BAM. More power.
Justification – We all want someone to tell us that we are not responsible for the mistakes, failures and other shortcomings off the shoulders. Yes, accepting responsibility is essential for taking control of your life, assuring others they are not responsible is essential for influencing others
Alleviate fears – Think back to a time that you were really afraid. It was tough to think about anything else, right? Then your friends, family or colleagues tries to comfort you by telling, “Don’t be afraid.” What? Yeah, that really worked, right? On the other hand, someone else coming in and helps us work though the fear till it goes away. They offer support, they tell us stories. They are part of the solution, not the problem. But they do not tell us how to feel. So let me ask you: which person do you want to be with?
Confirm suspicions – “I knew it.” This is a favorite thing to say. When someone confirms your suspicions it feels great. We not only feel a rush of superiority, we also feel bonded to that other person confirming our suspicion.
Throwing rocks – Want to know about a great way to bring others over to your side? I thought that you would. Simple. Consider the fact that just about everyone has an enemy. Whether it’s the man, those rat bastard politicians or a rival philosophy or religion . . . we’re all engaged in a struggle. And we want someone to side with us. Those that do become instant friends and heroes!
One thing that I want to point out that is missing . . . and that is you! It’s not about you, your wants, your hopes, your needs. Not at all. It’s about the other person, their hopes, their dreams and their
While this sounds almost too simple, too basic and too obvious, if you focus on the other person and not yourself you’ll be able to easily persuade your prospects, children and peers at an astonishing rate.
So give it a try. I’ll also encourage you to get this FREE PERSUASION REPORT . . . again there’s no cost, risk or obligation whatsoever!
Until next time,
Emette Massey